Sunday, February 14, 2016

Idea Napkin No.1

Idea Napkin!!

Idea Napkin!

1) You. Idea Napkin!!
I’m Brandon von Unruh. I was born and raised in South Florida. I lived in our beautiful state until 2009 when I decided to move to Europe. I learned French while living abroad and got to try all sorts of different foods and beverages from around the world. I grew to adore French wine and in my travels I visited Wineries in the west and south coasts of France. I see myself using the winery connections I have made abroad to start my venture into wine importation here in Florida.
2) What are you offering to customers? 
I am offering high quality wines at a fair prices. When you drink a French wine you are drinking a piece of history. The wines I will be selling have been in operation for centuries. My wines will have low environmental impact with tastes that get even better with age. I’m offering a quality product in a market over saturated with impure cheap wine.
3) Who are you offering it to? 
I want to start in small restaurants and eventually expand to franchise groups. My target area was originally South Florida.
4) Why do they care? 
Now that the economy is starting to move again people will invest in quality products. It’s time to restock the wine cellar. I want to give the average restaurant goer the chance to purchase a French wine. My hope is that they will take the leap and discover that when it comes to wine France knows best.     
5) What are your core competencies? 

I have traveled the world and I have studied different cultural gaps that exist in the Marketplace. I am an American and a European dual citizen which means I can work and trade within the United States and the European Union. I am bilingual which gives me an edge when dealing with French speaking countries and the United States. 

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