Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

Week 8 Reading Reflection:

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? I was surprised to learn how much of an impact recessions have on the lending market. I didn’t realize how sensitive Banks were when giving out loans.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you. I felt that the portion of text explaining the Investor Roadshow was confusing. For some reason it is listed at the 4th step in going Public. If the chapter is all about funding shouldn’t’ finding investors be the 2nd step? Also shouldn’t a company seek out its major investors before it decides to go Public?
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why? What type of credit is needed to make large business loans over 25,000. Can you land a large business loan with a good business plan alone?

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How? Honestly there was nothing the Author said this week that I particularly disagree with. 

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