Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

Secret Sauce
1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. 
1. I am bilingual and can speak French and moderate Spanish. 
2. I served in the Military.
3. I pride myself in being very trustworthy.
4. I'm outgoing and connect easily with strangers.
5. I'm observant and able to adapt to difficult situations.

2) Interview the five people who know you the best. Ask them what they think makes you different -- In Order. William/Greta/Erich/Joe/Daniel

3) Reflect on the differences. 
For my interviews it seems like there was two major trends. My experiences in the Army and Overseas in Europe make me unique. I am able to relate with a broad spectrum of people and operate well under pressure. It is very interesting to see how my friends set me apart. I am very lucky to have such close friends and family and through this exercise i can sharpen my strengths. 


  1. I think it's really interesting how your past experiences are what help shape your human capital. You didn't really specify the characteristics, or human capital that you obtained in the army, but clearly it has helped shape you are today. Its interesting that both you and the people that know you best refer to your time in the army.

    Check out my post:

  2. Wow, your experiences are awesome! I also think something that is undervalued in today's society is the ability to talk and relate to strangers. It is a great quality and I wish more people had it! I think you should discuss how these varying experiences gave you human capital by explaining what you learned from each. Great job!

    Here is a link to my post:
