Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Rank from most serious to least serious.

1. Climate Change.
Our planet is being changed due to our destructive presence. We take from the planet to feed our comforts but we give nothing back. Everything we use needs to be recycled. We need to turn dumps into Forrest and find better ways to recycle our electronics. We need to ban anything related to the burning of fossil fuels. As consumers we need to put our comforts aside and buy products that have less environmental impact. A Green political party needs to be formed in the United States. If we don't act as soon as possible we will destroy our planet. It is the most serious problem because it affects everyone on the planet.
2. Food shortages in developing countries.
Millions of people are dying every year due to worldwide food shortages. If we created a national holiday to send food abroad we could really make a difference. God has blessed this country and in celebration we have thanksgiving. Why not help those in need by sending a large box per family to a developing country. If every United States family came together for one day we could send over 500 million pounds of food to developing countries in need. Major food producers could still profit over such a commercialized holiday ,and starving countries would receive the food they need.
3. Fresh drinking water.
In some developing countries people have to walk miles to access fresh drinking water. Even in our-own country we are having problems with fresh drinking water. Recently they found high amounts of lead in Flint Michigan's Water supply. Water needs to stay a public good. Companies like Coca-Cola are investing in water and bottling it up like soda. Thirty years ago bottled water didn't exist and we didn't have plastic bottles polluting our world. An international board needs to be formed to govern the distribution and testing of safe drinking water. The manipulation of water supply should be as severe as an international war crime.
4.  Homelessness.
After my first week in Gainesville i was able to give food to the homeless with the CCH Christian group of Gainesville. I was shocked to see the amount of tents and was truly touched by some of the stories the homeless had to share, We need to ensure that the homeless are being treated like normal citizens. If we created work based housing and stopped outsourcing all our jobs we could provide more opportunities for the homeless.
5.  Natural Disaster Relief.
We need to create a international group like NATO that responds to international disasters. Due to climate change disasters are increasing and we need all the help we can get. The board would also create jobs for EMT's and other emergency care workers. It is the least serious issue of the 5 because we already have quite a few organizations in place.

Rank from solutions most possible to implement to least possible.(with explanations) 

1.  Natural Disaster Relief.
There are already organizations in place that we can model after. FEMA is an example of a response agency that works in the United States. Less funding could be used for the military and more for disaster relief. Creating a global response team would be somewhat easy to implement because we already have the U.N in place.
2. Food shortages in developing countries.
The United States has the necessary resources to end food shortages across the globe. If the government gives companies tax incentives to donate food then large corporations could help end hunger globally.
3.  Homelessness.
With technology increases we have the ability to create self sustaining homes. The problem is pricing which makes the new technologies hard ti implement on a large scale.
4. Fresh drinking water.
Unfortunately the solution to fresh drinking water is also very expensive. There are many areas around the globe that have little access to water. Transporting water can be expensive and building wells is also expensive.
5. Climate Change.
Climate change is the biggest problem and the hardest solution to implement. In the global economy different countries have specific regulations on the burning of fossil fuels. Emerging economies focus on their own growth before worrying about global impact. It will be very tough to rid the world of it's fossil fuel habits.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Brandon,

    I enjoyed reading your ranking of your 5 top problems. We had some similarities in our posts so that was good to see. I also see a problem with food shortages and homelessness. Poverty in general. If America as a whole can make a effort to become more aware of what is happening in and out of this country, the movement will be a great help to those in need.

    Thank you for a great read!
    Brian Do Kim.

    When you have the time, you can check my list out at
