Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

Innovation: The Creative Pursuit of Ideas
1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I was very surprised to see a global perspective article dealing with business in Africa. African markets ar volitile ,and it was impressive to read about Emerging Capitol Partners and the work that they have done in the 48 African countries.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
The Creative process was somewhat confusing to me. I have found that sometimes I run into a solution before I am aware of a problem or opportunity. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would first ask what is the best environment for new creative ideas to emerge?
When new ideas are though up should you bounce them off others or keep them to yourself?
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
The Author says that stereotypes distort the picture of reality. I disagree. I think stereotypes lead consumers to make certain choices and become there own reality. A good entreprenuer can use stereotypes to predict broad consumer trends. 

Customer Interviews No. 1

Do you want Cheese with that Wine??
1) Find an opportunity. 
Importing French wine in a market saturated by Californian/South American wine.
 2) Figure out who might have the unmet need. 
Wine drinkers that have never tried a French wine before and want something different for the right price.
 3) Come up with a list of questions.
Hello! How are you doing today? I’m Brandon what’s your name? Nice to meet you! I plan on starting a wine importing business here in Gainesville. To research demand trends I need to interview potential customers. Do you mind if I interview you and ask a few questions?
My first question is, what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
What are your thoughts on wine? Do you ever drink wine?
When was the last time you had a glass of wine?
Do you prefer to drink wine at home or in restaurants?
What kind do you usually get? Red, White, Rose?
Which country do you think is the most known for their wine?
Have you tried a French wine before?
Is French wine easy to find here in Gainesville?
How much do you pay on average for a bottle of wine at the supermarket?
What about in a restaurant? If you were on a date for example..
If the price was right would you pick a French wine over a California wine?
Alright! Thanks so much for your input and thank you for a great interview!

4) Tell us what you learned about the opportunity. 
I learned that most students tend to buy there wine at the supermarket for under 15 dollars. This is because most can’t afford to buy their own wine at a restaurant.
5) Tell us what you learned about interviewing customers. I learned that you never know what to expect. Some are your target group and others may have little interest in your Product. I learned that meeting strangers is the best way to get honest feedback on your business venture.

The Interviews!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Rank from most serious to least serious.

1. Climate Change.
Our planet is being changed due to our destructive presence. We take from the planet to feed our comforts but we give nothing back. Everything we use needs to be recycled. We need to turn dumps into Forrest and find better ways to recycle our electronics. We need to ban anything related to the burning of fossil fuels. As consumers we need to put our comforts aside and buy products that have less environmental impact. A Green political party needs to be formed in the United States. If we don't act as soon as possible we will destroy our planet. It is the most serious problem because it affects everyone on the planet.
2. Food shortages in developing countries.
Millions of people are dying every year due to worldwide food shortages. If we created a national holiday to send food abroad we could really make a difference. God has blessed this country and in celebration we have thanksgiving. Why not help those in need by sending a large box per family to a developing country. If every United States family came together for one day we could send over 500 million pounds of food to developing countries in need. Major food producers could still profit over such a commercialized holiday ,and starving countries would receive the food they need.
3. Fresh drinking water.
In some developing countries people have to walk miles to access fresh drinking water. Even in our-own country we are having problems with fresh drinking water. Recently they found high amounts of lead in Flint Michigan's Water supply. Water needs to stay a public good. Companies like Coca-Cola are investing in water and bottling it up like soda. Thirty years ago bottled water didn't exist and we didn't have plastic bottles polluting our world. An international board needs to be formed to govern the distribution and testing of safe drinking water. The manipulation of water supply should be as severe as an international war crime.
4.  Homelessness.
After my first week in Gainesville i was able to give food to the homeless with the CCH Christian group of Gainesville. I was shocked to see the amount of tents and was truly touched by some of the stories the homeless had to share, We need to ensure that the homeless are being treated like normal citizens. If we created work based housing and stopped outsourcing all our jobs we could provide more opportunities for the homeless.
5.  Natural Disaster Relief.
We need to create a international group like NATO that responds to international disasters. Due to climate change disasters are increasing and we need all the help we can get. The board would also create jobs for EMT's and other emergency care workers. It is the least serious issue of the 5 because we already have quite a few organizations in place.

Rank from solutions most possible to implement to least possible.(with explanations) 

1.  Natural Disaster Relief.
There are already organizations in place that we can model after. FEMA is an example of a response agency that works in the United States. Less funding could be used for the military and more for disaster relief. Creating a global response team would be somewhat easy to implement because we already have the U.N in place.
2. Food shortages in developing countries.
The United States has the necessary resources to end food shortages across the globe. If the government gives companies tax incentives to donate food then large corporations could help end hunger globally.
3.  Homelessness.
With technology increases we have the ability to create self sustaining homes. The problem is pricing which makes the new technologies hard ti implement on a large scale.
4. Fresh drinking water.
Unfortunately the solution to fresh drinking water is also very expensive. There are many areas around the globe that have little access to water. Transporting water can be expensive and building wells is also expensive.
5. Climate Change.
Climate change is the biggest problem and the hardest solution to implement. In the global economy different countries have specific regulations on the burning of fossil fuels. Emerging economies focus on their own growth before worrying about global impact. It will be very tough to rid the world of it's fossil fuel habits.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection

Week 3 Reading Reflection
Kin of Woman killed in local airplane crash. Palm Beach Post. 
by Jane Musgrave
1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? I did not expect that a family would sue over such an accident. It is quite clear that this was an accident and not negligence.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you. It wasn't clear who she was actually sueing. Was it the pilot or the aircraft controlers?
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why? Did you interview the pilots family? Don't you think that the pilots family could give some insight to the other side of the incident. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How? she mentions a probe done by aviation experts but does not include which association the experts are associated with. 

Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1: 

Is Okeechobee ready for music fest?

This Article was written in the Palm beach Post January 23 and can be found at
The article talkes about the upcoming music festival in rural Okechobee Florida and the impact it will cause on local media and the community.
The Problem:
This will be the first major open air rural festival that Florida has hosted. They hope to have 30,000 attendees and want to start a tradition much like Tenesse's Bonnaroo festival. It is a new location that many are unaware of. The population in the surrounding area is only 40,000. Paul Peck ,the event organizer, has this problem.
Transport bus trips or maybe a carpooling app could be a method to draw more partyers in from surrounding bug cities. Bus Shuttles from cities like Orlando,Jaxonville,Talahassee,Tampa and Miami could be organized. 

Opportunity 2

County: Try using trains, bicycles, buses; Officials tout alternatives so riders can avoid the I-95 congestion frustration

This Article was written in the Palm beach Post January 22 and can be found at
The article talks about the traffic congestion issues that I-95 is facing due to a growing local economy. 
The Problem:
Palm beach county is growing in size which means more cars. More cars on the highway leads to longer work commute times. The problem is for the everyday commuter in palm beach county.
An increase in public transportation alternatives could help solve the issue and help us reduce vehicle emmissions in the country. DDA Dowtown Development Authority in downtown west palm recently installed bike rental kiosks around the city. A new fleet of buses could be used to help commuters avoid I-95 frustration. 

Opportunity 3

5 injured in crash involving school bus Fire Rescue: School bus involved in crash in Wellington, 5 hurt

This Article was written in the Palm beach Post January 21 and can be found at
The article talks about a district bus accident that sent 5 kids to a hospital.
The Problem:
Many district buses are in need of upgrades. An individual ran a red light and hit the bus from the side. Buses transport the nations children and should have highly regulated saftey inspections and equipment installed. The problem is for the children who's lives are on the line.
An increase in saftey inspections for all district school buses. A private bussing system could be created that focuses on saftey ubove all.

Opportunity 4

Schools deal with rash of threats School threat individuals sought District seeks culprits behind threats at schools; Third Wellington-area school targeted; police call threats a crime

This Article was written in the Palm beach Post January 20 and can be found at
The article talks about a recent augmentation in threats made at local schools in the district. 
The Problem:
Kids are calling in bomb threats to avoid tests and classes. The school district and local law enforcment have the problem because it wastes valuable time and resources. Every threat is taken seriously.
A course should be provided at all district schools. The course should entail the consequences that come with making a false threat report. This would hopefully reduce future false alarms and save class time. 

Opportunity 5

Cultural concierge program helps tourists find top events

This Article was written in the Palm beach Post January 19 and can be found at
The article talks about a program that could help tourists find cultural events. 
The Problem:
Many tourists and snowbirds want to attend cultural events but may not have an even directory. The problem is how to attract more tourists to culrural events that produce 60,000 jobs. Event organizers ,such as those associated with the Norton museum, have the problem. 
The Cutural Council of Palm beach county created a concierge program to help tourists find events. A mobile application that shows nearby upcoming events could help tourists link up with the new program on the go. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Short Interview With Entrepreneur #1

I am Interviewing Daniel Moore. Daniel Moore runs his own veterinarian branch AllPets California. His focus is to provide specialized treatment for free range cattle focusing on calves.  
  • What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? 
  • One must be willing to take risks in a financial enticing scenario. As a veterinarian clinic tech I found a niche market treating calves. The key is to specialize and provide a service that nobody else provides.  
  • What do you think I should learn in a Entrepreneur course? 
  • You should learn how to identify untouched markets and how to sell and pitch your ideas to others. You should also learn how to manage risk and be ready to handle unidentified costs that could arise after starting your business venture. Create a flexible budget.
  • What do you wish you were taught in school before setting off as an entrepreneur?
  •  I wish i was taught when to let go of certain ideas. Sometimes you can get too attached to a business venture and can loose focus of the big picture. Markets and demand changes over time and a successful business entrepreneur needs to be able to adapt to his or her environment. 
What surprised me about this interview was the planning portion needed to become successful. Daniel explained that unplanned costs can arise at any moment and you need to be prepared to deal with them. I hope to learn how to better manage the risk involved with starting my own company and prepare myself for unplanned costs. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

1. Food shortages in developing countries.
Millions of people are dying every year due to worldwide food shortages. If we created a national holiday to send food abroad we could really make a difference. God has blessed this country and in celebration we have thanksgiving. Why not help those in need by sending a large box per family to a developing country. If every United States family came together for one day we could send over 500 million pounds of food to developing countries in need. Major food producers could still profit over such a commercialized holiday ,and starving countries would receive the food they need.
2. Fresh drinking water.
In some developing countries people have to walk miles to access fresh drinking water. Even in our-own country we are having problems with fresh drinking water. Recently they found high amounts of lead in Flint Michigan's Water supply. Water needs to stay a public good. Companies like Coca-Cola are investing in water and bottling it up like soda. Thirty years ago bottled water didn't exist and we didn't have plastic bottles polluting our world. An international board needs to be formed to govern the distribution and testing of safe drinking water. The manipulation of water supply should be as severe as an international war crime.
3. Climate Change.
Our planet is being changed due to our destructive presence. We take from the planet to feed our comforts but we give nothing back. Everything we use needs to be recycled. We need to turn dumps into Forrest and find better ways to recycle our electronics. We need to ban anything related to the burning of fossil fuels. As consumers we need to put our comforts aside and buy products that have less environmental impact. A Green political party needs to be formed in the United States.
4. Religious extremism.
Religion plays a vital role in billions of lives. Beliefs can vary between religions which is why we need to create governments that are accepting to all religions. Separation of church and state keeps religious extremism at bay. Violence in the name of religion is destructive and we must have laws directed towards peace.
5. Oligarchies.
We cannot let a select few greedy businessmen rule the world. Corruption is everywhere in the political world. Contributions to political campaigns need to have caps. We need to destroy the bi-partisan system.
6.  Natural Disaster Relief.
We need to create a international group like NATO that responds to international disasters. Due to climate change disasters are increasing and we need all the help we can get. The board would also create jobs for EMT's and other emergency care workers.
7.  Homelessness.
After my first week in Gainesville i was able to give food to the homeless with the CCH Christian group of Gainesville. I was shocked to see the amount of tents and was truly touched by some of the stories the homeless had to share, We need to ensure that the homeless are being treated like normal citizens. If we created work based housing and stopped outsourcing all our jobs we could provide more opportunities for the homeless.
8. Birth Control.
Many developing countries don't have the same birth control preventatives that we have here in the U.S.A. Children are being born into poverty and overpopulated areas every day. Also many die during childbirth due to lack of proper medical care. Preventatives should be tax free exports made available to all countries.
9. Child Abuse.
Every child should be assigned a mentor at school to discuss family life. This mentor could then help prevent dangerous household incidents from happening. No child should be physically or mentally abused in the household. Having a mentor could show the warning signs of an unstable household.
10. Cancer.
We need to take the power away from the pharmaceutical companies.  Cancer is a huge moneymaking industry. Doctors should provide all solutions to patients. There needs to be a website that lists all treatment alternatives. Everyone should have access to the site much like WebMd.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

Alexandvon's Bug List!
Below I will list twenty unmet needs that really BUG me.
1. Public bathrooms running out of paper towels. Why? Institutions often don't predict how many paper towels are actually needed throughout the day.
2. The sound of typing on your average keyboard. Why? Different manufacturers develop different keypad noises, all which are annoying. Touchscreen keyboards would be nice.
3. Having to remember to turn your car lights off. Why? not all manufactures put in automatic shuttoff systems. Why not?
4. Not having frie stands in America. Why? We let the Canadians bring in their mish mash gravy fries to the USA but we don't have Belgian traditional Frie stands. French fries are from Europe after all.
5. Having to take out the lint on the Dryer. Why? Apparrently in 2016 we don't have the technology to have automatic lint dispensers?
6. Waiting in line at the Post Office in Palm Beach County. Why? The mail offices are always understaffed. why not make a self checkout?
7. Having to present my I.D everytime i buy alcohol. Why? They need to verify my age. Why not have my age placed on my methods of payement such as my credit cards.
8. People double parking. Why? people don't know how to drive/park.
9. Excessive plastic packaging for everything we buy. Why? Convenience over the environment.
10. People driving slow in the left lane on I75. Why? They don't learn the basic rules of driving on the highway.
11. Having wrinkly clothes come out of the dryer. Why? If you don't time it right your clothes wrinkle.
12. Finding a bottle opener or corkscrew for a bottle of wine. Why? The cork system makes it hard to open a bottle to drink.
13. Waking up with bedhead cowlicks that won't go away in the morning. Why? Our hair is formed in our bed pillows.
14. Trying to find a specific item in a large supermarket like walmart. Why? There are no directories in place for the consumer.
15. Having to give all your personal info to a site like Google to create a simple blog. Why? they want as much information as theyt can get.
16. Watching 5 minutes of Commercials for 15 minutes of programming on CBS. Why? They want to flood our brains with adds for more profit margins.
17. Cellphones going through automatic updates at night; turning off your morning alarms. Why? I don't know why they reset the alarms but its frustrating.
18. Seeing cellphones on in Movie theaters. Why? People don't respect others viewing experience.
19. Not being able to use a credit card that was frozen even if you have money on it. Why? For security reasons.
20. Being on hold with BOA for 45 minutes until you get someone. Why? No idea Why.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

Hello Everyone,
In this post I will share one of my Entrepreneurship experiences with you. When I was nineteen i saw a demand who's supply wasn't met. In rainy Belgium it is hard to keep your car clean. When it rains, mud enters the streets and cars drive through the mud. There are cheap car washes ,but they are placed in different areas and are often busy. One day I decided to solve this issue. I calculated my costs and I came up with a new idea. I created a mobile car washing company/van that washed others cars at their homes or work. I beat the price of local car wash dealerships and was still able to turn a profit. Advertising was easy. I would go to Supermarket areas and attach flyers to dirty cars. Two weeks later i was fully booked on the days I chose ,and I had customers that reserved spots weeks in advance. It became my weekend job and I was my own boss. I even hired my Romanian friend and trained him to clean the cars for me. This was the first time I put one of my ideas to action. My life has never been the same since. Go for your ideas;no matter what the cost.

I chose ENT3003 because I want to meet future business partners  and I want to sharpen my talents as an Entrepreneur.
Brandon von Unruh.

About Me Introduction

Hello everyone!
My name is Brandon von Unruh. I am a General Studies major in Business Administration at Heavener. I like to consider myself a jack of all trades. Throughout my life I have had many different passions and have lived in many different places. I have a special connection with the ocean because I grew up walking distance to the beach in south Florida. I love to discover new things and I plan on forging a business venture that permits me to travel around the world. I am a dual citizen (Belgian/American) and speak french. I plan on using my experiences abroad to create a bridge of cultural ideas from Europe to America. I also have my eyes set on importing French wine to south Florida with the connections I have made in the south of France. I look forward to growing my network in ENT3003 and launching my import business by the end of the semester. I wish everyone the best of luck! Everyone has something to offer.

Brandon von Unruh.