Sunday, April 24, 2016

Final Reflection

1) Read through your blog from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the fun moments, and the moments of drudgery, and even the moments of dread.
This class has really put my entrepreneurship skills to the test. The first day in class I knew I would enjoy this course. Finally a course where we can actually work on one of our own tangible products. The first class we were split up in groups and sent out to interview others. I often dreaded having to interview strangers ,but in the end it was a great opportunity to truly test my business concept. 
2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
I was especially proud after finding business owners in my field. I was able to network with business owners at the downtown organic Market. Meeting others and learning from their experiences was definitely my favorite experience. I will remember their faces and their enthusiasm for my idea. 
3) At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. And we repeated the mantra -- I am an entrepreneur. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
I feel like I have had the mindset for a while now. This course really reinforced my prior goals. I am an entrepreneur.  
4) What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?
They need to learn how to think outside of the box. I also would suggest taking a basic speech class before taking this course. Those with any stage fright might not perform well. 

Special thanks to everyone who has followed and interacted with my blog!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry i had to delete the last comment i forgot to add my post..
    Hey Brandon,
    Im enjoying the illustration. It really does feel like it been a long marathon and were just now coming to an end. Im glad to hear you've already had the mindset of an entrepreneur. Id imagine that your skills being refined form this class only made you a better business man for the future. I hope you continue to be successful long after this course! Check out my post here
